Authentic Napoleonic style combat from the years 1805-1814.
Innovative 3 tiered Artificial Intelligence system models the difficulty and challenges of command in the early 19th century battlefield.
Realistic combat resolution and modeling which takes into account such factors as orientation and density of unit formations, their training, combat effectiveness, fatigue and moral.
Advanced morale engine accounts for a variety of elements including proximity to friendly commanders and units, weather effects, level of sustained losses, overall fatigue and more.
Thrilling battles with over 50,000 3D models shown representing up to 500,000 Infantry soldiers, Cavalry and Artillerymen - all fully animated!

Comes with ten historical battles including Haslach, Austerlitz, Eylau, Friedland, Campaign of Eckmul, Wagram, Moscowa (Borodino), Berezina, Hanau, La Rothière as well as powerful game editors to create new Maps.
Play as any of 27 different major, minor and city state military powers including France, Russia, Austria, Wurtenmberg, Saxony, Poland, Italy and Naples.
Over 1100 historical Regiments, 4000 unique commanders and more 550 accurate military uniforms included.
3 different game editors (Map, Order of Battle, Doctrine allow you to build your own battles or modify the included ones, create your own armies and customize specific characteristics and abilities of any unit or commander.
Units organized into historically accurate and individually controllable Regiments, Brigades, Divisions, Corps and Armies.
Single player action against the computer and multiplayer with up to 8 people on two sides
Internet, LAN and PBEM multiplayer modes. -
Variable speed play from real time 1 minute = 1 minute to accelerated 10x time where 6 seconds of gametime = 1 minute of simulated time. PBEM mode played in 15 to 30 minute turns.

Huge variety of troops types including; Sappers, Skirmishers, Grenadiers, Fusiliers, Chasseurs, Imperial, Middle and Young Guards, Hussars, Cuirassiers, Dragoons, Gendarmes, Carbiniers, Lancers and Mameluks among others.
Ability to create and design your own custom uniforms.
Variety of individually modeled and animated "personalities" such as Captains, Majors, Colonels, Flag and Standard Bearers and more.
Exhaustively researched Table of Organization and Equipment for all the major combatants included.
Create maps in size from 6 x 4.5 Km to 30 x 22.5 Km (over 660 square kilometers)
Environmental effects such as rain, fog, snow and smoke.
Variety of camera views supported including exciting 3D Real World and Bird's Eye views plus a 3D Symbolic map and 2D Strategic Overview mode.