Major Nations
• Austria
• Bavaria
• France
• Russia
• Sweden
Minor Nations
• Baden
• Cleves-Berg
• Denmark
• Duchy of Warsaw
• Hesse-Darmstadt
• Italy
• Naples
• Nassau
• Prussia (regiments of Lestocq)
• Saxony
• Westphalia
• Württemberg
There are also certain foreign regiments present (the Swiss, Portuguese, Irish,
Croatians, etc.).
more than 5000 historical commanders' names (from General-in Chief's to Colonels),
more than 1500 historical Regiments from fifteen different countries,
several thousand historical military uniforms.
Several others nations will be included in the next version of HW:N
Specific tool for creating the HW:N uniforms
HistWar : OoB Editor
The Order of Battle Editor allows you to create your own Armies and comes with several data bases including
more than 4000 historical commanders' names (from General-in Chief's to Colonels),
more than 1150 historical Regiments from fifteen different countries,
more than 550 historical military uniforms.