HistWar : The Napoleonic Video Game
HistWar puts you in command of one of the powerful armies during the Napoleonic era: France of course and Austria, Prussia, Russia and several minor countries too.
In real time, in a very realistic terrain, where each soldier is represented by one figurine (look at the roadmap at the bottom), this video game will take you back to the European theaters of operation, to one of the many battlefields of the beginning of the 19th century and invites you to rewrite history.
A major evolution, the video game HistWar : Napoleon offers a campaign editor and introduces the theaters of operation. Winning a battle will not suffice. You have to win the war…

Taking action at the right moment, knowing when the enemy is wavering and transforming his retreat into a full fledged rout… A wargame where timing is important, without being an arcade game.
HistWar can be either played against the computer (Solo), or Multi-player via LAN or Internet (TCP/IP) with up to 16 players (only 8 for HW:LG) divided into 2 sides with each player controlling either all or a part of an Army. Play by e-mail (PBEM) with 15/30 minutes game sequences (turns) is also supported.
Thousands of soldiers (Figurine scales 1/1 and 1/2 so each soldier is represented by 1 figurine, or each 2 by one - (only 1/2, 1/10 for HW:LG)), deployed in battalions are organized into individually controllable Regiments, Brigades, Divisions and Army Corps are awaiting your orders, and will carry them out in breathtaking 3D environments.
View the action and plan cunning strategies with 4 different camera modes:
a 2D based Strategic Overview map,
a 3D Symbolic Unit map,
a 3D "real world" map with subjective (ground level) view
a 3D Real World map with "bird's eye" view.

Each type of infantry unit displays a wealth of unique and individually modeled soldiers including the battalion Major, Color/Eagle bearers, Sappers, Skirmishers, Grenadiers, Fusilierrs and Guards.
Every artillery piece is crewed by 5 or 6 gunners and their team of 2 to 6 horses and attached limbers. Cavalry units will show their Colonels, Captains, flag bearers, Cuirassiers, Hussars, Chasseurs, Carbiniers, Lancers and more.
A number of realistic environmental options can influence the conditions of a battle, including different seasons and weather options like fog, rain, and snow. Various other realism settings allow you to customize the game to your own levels.

The heart of the game concept of HistWar is to put you in the shoes of an Army Commander, letting you define - with a few clicks of the mouse- a precise plan of battle, which is then carried out by the various artificial intelligence systems controlling your troops.
You can also directly interact with the lower levels of command (Corps - Division - Brigade - Regiment) to closely manage the implementation and execution of your orders. To allow for these 4 levels of command, HistWar : Napoleon was designed with a revolutionary and customizable 5 levels AI system (Only 3 for HW:LG at this day).
HistWar also models the combat itself in realistic detail. All combat losses are calculated using complex mathematical models which take into account factors such as the geometrical arrangement of the physical unit formations, their training, their combat abilities, their fatigue, and their morale.
Unit Morale itself is modeled to a great degree and affected by such diverse elements as the presence and status of the Army commander nearby, proximity of friendly units, fatigue, weather effects, sustained losses, and much more !