Joyeux NoëlBridge crossing is a critical military operation in battle. It is therefore necessary to model it as well as possible in a wargame. The ...
Patch HistWar : NapoléonPatch HW : N 05g0 This patch fixes a crucial problem related to CPU power. It applies to all versions of HistWar: Napoleon. A next...
Bicentenaire... et HistWar avance...HistWar is moving forward and celebrating the 20th anniversary of the publication of LGAA (La Grande Armée at Austerlitz), the ancestor...
Bonne Année 2021.. Good Year 2021...Un régiment français en colonne de division engage une unité russe. Cette formation se déroule en 2 phases: Tir sur l'adversaire Charge...
ChargezMelee : French vs Russian French : 1er regiment Infanterie de Ligne, colonel St Martin 2952 mens Order : attack Leib-Gvardii...